Saturday, June 1, 2013

Just ya know trying to keep up

Hey guys here I am checking in again. I am sorry if I haven't been up to date with my posts I have been really busy with life lately. Last night one of my beautiful girls almost died. Molly went into became severely dehydrated after many bouts of vomit and other unpleasantness. She must have gotten into something bad for her, however, unfortunately I have no idea what it could have been. Luckily, she is fine now after a trip to the emergency vet last night and careful watch all day. It makes me appreciate life and how much of an impact a dog can have on a person. When I look at her I can feel the love course through me and it is such a powerful emotion. I can't even begin to say how grateful I am that she is okay. All this business and the accident is making me realize I need to smell the roses a little more and tell those I love how much I do love before I lose the chance to. So I am making myself take a new challenge tell one person a day how much they really mean to you everyday for thirty days. I don't think this is a particularly hard goal but it means too much for me not to do.......Also, I have not been a good girl. My exercising has been completely out of sync this past week. I had one serious workout this whole week. Not to mention I haven't made the best food choices lately. Hello, drive through. I just need to remember, "When in doubt, just take the small next step." This quote is from a ninety year old man on an amazing site that I found using StumbleUpon.
I know I am old fashioned still stumbling but I can't help it, I freaking love to stumble!!! So here is a small list for my current goals for the upcoming week.

-Exercise 5 days out of the week
               -3 days of cardio & 2 days of resistance training

-Get a scale for my own use!

-Spend more quality time with my dogs, they aren't going to be here forever.


-No drive through.
              -Prepare meals ahead of time so there isn't whole convenience factor.

-Tell one person a day how much they really mean to me.

-Enjoy life :)

Now off to bed with me! Have a wonderful night everyone.